
CannonML is updated to version 0.31

Now, my shmups scripting library cannon macro language goes to version 0.31.
CannonML in spark project

The grammar of cannonML is almost same with version 0.2 (but some new commands are added).
CannonML reference manual (click [expand all])
CannonML workbench (click [langage] button)

And now the cannonML version 0.31 is accepted as the wonderfl's default library ! You can try the action script code using cannonML on the browser.
cml - wonderfl build flash online

Currently, 3 basic samples are posted.

1. Particle System controled by CannonML

Of course you can apply the cannonML script to your particle system. This is the simplest sample how to use cannonML. This simple cannonML script plays such a complex particle behavior.

2. CannonML Basic usage

The basic usage of cannonML is to create the inherited class of CMLObject. This sample code is with nagging comments.

3. BulletRunner Sample

BulletRunner is a wrapper of CMLObject. You can control the behavior of your own instance (not an inheritance of CMLObject) by BulletRunner and cannonML script.

And, there are very nice articles for Flash Shmups with CannonML.
(This article is based on version 0.3, basically same but the location of CMLMovieClip is change from 'org.si.cml.extensions.framework.CMLMovieClip' to 'org.si.b3.CMLMovieClip')
making a game in as3 part1 the basics
making a game in as3 part2 introduction to cannonml
making a game in as3 part3 first step with cannonml
Thank you very much, Lucas !